Product no.: 91298449

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Price incl. German VAT*, plus delivery
* For each EU country the corresponding national VAT will be charged. adjusted in the order process!
Available delivery methods: Customer pickup, VK-frei ab 250€ in D, Lieferung EU 16,90, Auslandssendungen "Schweiz, etc.", DHL 6,69

Customer ratings for 91298449

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
Hätte nicht gedacht, dass man für den Preis eine so qualitative Klangschale bekommt! Wunderschöner, klarer Klang.
from on 11/18/2023

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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Prices incl. German VAT*, plus delivery
* For each EU country the corresponding national VAT will be charged. adjusted in the order process!

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